Friday, February 19, 2016

SuperCam vs Everybody

First off, let me say, congratulations to the Denver Broncos for winning Super Bowl 50. That defense was top of the class from the first snap all the way back in September through the final snap of the NFL season… That was excruciating to type, gross.

Before the game started, the conversation around the match-up was focused on the quarterbacks, Peyton Manning and Cam Newton. The game was played and the attention again was focused on the two QB’s, despite Denver’s defense putting in a top 5 defensive effort in Super Bowl history. Peyton Manning didn’t even have a chance to put his championship shirt on before being asked if this was the last game he ever plays, and has since answered that same question about 100 more times. For Cam, all the attention went to his postgame interview, or lack thereof.

By now, many of you have seen one or both of Newton’s press conferences, with the postgame Super Bowl being the more infamous of the two. The way the NFL set up the postgame interviews, Cam could hear Chris Harris Jr talking about the game plan the Broncos had in place for the game. Newton, who was already showing his disappointment, looked dejected and walked out of the press conference. With that, a lot of you began bashing him. Most of the opinions I have read involve thinking Newton needs to “grow up”, “be a professional”, “lose with grace”, “Cam could learn from Russell Wilson”. I’ve seen posts where people were using quotes from Manning after the Super Bowl 48 loss to the Seahawks. Peyton was gracious and complimenting of the victors. Good for Peyton.

Guess what, people? Cam Newton is not Peyton Manning. The man had just lost the biggest game of his life. He was heart-broken, angry, disappointed, and didn’t want to talk about it. Can you really blame him? People weren’t made to all be the same, he has every right to be pissed off, regardless of the obligation to talk to the media or not. Before the game there were countless documentary style biography segments from every sports media detailing Cam’s life from high school all the way to the Super Bowl. Of the three I watched, one thing was very evident across all of them; Cam has fun playing the game, but is all business at the same time. In addition, he hates losing. Literally has a serious hatred for losing. It’s a burning sensation inside him that after a loss on the biggest stage, boiled over into his press obligations.

All that led to the season ending presser from the locker room back in Charlotte. All the teams do this presser as a post season good bye till OTA’s come back around. Of course, the focus was all on Cam, and he didn’t disappoint. Still angry and showing disappointment, he showed that it doesn’t really matter what you think of him. Cam is going to do things his way, and why shouldn’t he? He is an incredible talent that is young and will be getter better, that’s the scary part.

The following are quotes from last Tuesday’s end of season media session in Charlotte:

“Who are you to say that your way is right?”
“I’m not trying to be this person or that person”
“I know what I’m capable of and I know where I am going.”
“I don’t have to conform to anybody else’s wants for me to do”
“I am my own person, I take pride in that.”
“This league is a great league, with or without me and I understand that.”
“Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser”
“It’s not a popularity contest, I’m here to win football games”

Mr. Newton, I root against you with a passion twice a season when you play my Bucs, but after your interview on Tuesday, you have become one of my favorite players in this league. Tuesday reminded me of my favorite athlete of all time, Muhammad Ali.  You are right to challenge the status quo about winning and losing in sports. You are showing kids that it is ok to be angry and disappointed when everything you worked hard for, doesn’t pan out the way you want it to. But you get back up and get back at it. Thank you. Thank you for being someone that I would be proud to have my kids look up to. I’m not going to buy your jersey, and there definitely won’t be any dabbing in my future, but you have gained a fan for life in me, minus those two Sundays a year.

“I know where I am going and I know the truth, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be. I’m free to be who I want”

– Muhammad Ali