Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Starting with the End in Mind

               For my entire life I have skated by with working hard just to play harder. Work, work, work to party, party, party. Both of those always came ahead of everything else. Where was my drive for the future? What career path was I supposed to be on? Well I now know what that is, Sports. For the first time in my life, I have a vision. For the first time I am at a point where I want to take ownership over everything I do with my career, instead of just working to pay for my fun, why not make my fun work for me? My family and friends have been some of the most amazing and inspiring people in my life to this point, they are the driving force behind my new found motivation. In addition to them, I could not be at this point without my amazing girlfriend. She had to talk me into this, cause I’ll be honest, I was like a little kid afraid to jump into a pool.  

                As many of you know I am a rabid Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Duke Blue Devils, and overall sports fan. While I am most diehard for those teams, I just love sports. Everything about them. There is a beauty and whimsical sadness to sport that is like nothing else in life. Every aspect from the first pitch to corner kicks, is like a religion within religion for each sport. Before I get lost into that wonderful sports world let’s get back to what this first blog entry is about. I have a friend named Jesse, some of you know him, many of you may not. A few years back he was somewhat in the same spot of life as I am. At that very moment he decided to take charge of what his future was going to be, that’s when he enrolled at The Colorado Media School. It has since taken him on to a career that I came to envy. It’s not that he gets to rub elbows with athletes or nationally respected sports journalists, it’s that he is around sports all day everyday. He is a producer for radio shows, shoots television shows and so on and so forth.  I look at him and I couldn’t think of anything else I would rather be doing. Many of you who have worked with me, been friends with me, or hell just met me once or twice know I am sports oriented day and night. It’s my ice breaker, conversation transitionary, most common bond among all of my friends and me. Hell, it was the catalyst that sparked the relationship I have with my girlfriend. It’s everything. So why not go head first into the sports world? I will be making the jump to attend The Colorado Media School to get my foot in the door much like Jesse did. Speaking with Jesse has been extremely inspiring and insightful in addition to giving me a strong resource to tap into during this journey.
                So what does this blog spot have to do with all the above gibberish? I am going to be writing blogs the entire time. It’s me practicing and pushing myself to get better at the craft before, during, and hopefully after I get into the business. This is me, Starting with the End in Mind.
Some things to know before my second edition comes out:
  • Deadlines – I will have a new blog up every Wednesday – but will also send up a blog if the sports world calls for it
  • I will periodically have personal blogs like this updating my journey and what I have going on
  • I am not perfect, please holler at me with any edits or issues you see (Bryan Douglass / Julia Hernandez - looking at you guys)
  • It’s not going to be all Bucs all the time. I will be writing about them, but not every week (no promises)
  • I’m opinionated. You’ll get used to it. But please interact with me, I never turn down a good debate
  • I will do my best to keep my biases out of it, I have hate in my heart, but I will try to not let it out. (I did say try)
  • If you like it, share it. If you don’t like it, share it anyway and ask others if they like it. One of the main purposes of this blog is for you to create your own opinion and talk amongst your friends and family
Anthony “Cheese” Ortez