Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Rockie talk in December

This past week MLB’s winter meetings concluded in Nashville with its usual beginning of free agent signings and trades. There were some surprises this year with Jason Heyward opting to take less money from the Cubs to move to the North Side of Chicago and Zack Greinke taking his talents to the desert of Arizona to hurl the stitches for the Diamondbacks. Overall the winter meetings did as they always do, produce signings, trades, and start the always entertaining rumor mill. 

This year our boys in the purple pinstripes didn’t cause too many waves, actually, doing what they usually do, signing veterans to fill some gaps on the roster. Jason Motte and Chad Qualls are two big solid relievers the Rockies desperately needed. A few days later they made what is going to literally be a hit or miss signing in 1st basemen Mark Reynolds. These guys are not world beating names that are going to bring folks out to 20th and Blake, but they are solid signings as the new GM Jeff Bridich begins to put his touches on this organization. Qualls and Motte are coming into a situation where the pitching staff was the worst in the baseball. These guys are not going to completely change the outlook of the staff, but their veteran presence and postseason moxie can help develop the younger arms while also moving the bullpen in the right direction. Mark Reynolds is long known as a struggle when batting. He strikes out as often as he gets hits, if not more. Despite Reynolds’s ups and downs at the plate, his reputation as a good locker room guy will pair well with the young clubhouse and serve as a good stop gap at first base, in the same fashion Justin Morneau was used. Expect a little bit more of a Jason Giambi pop at the plate.

Those signings along with a couple trades that brought in some pitching prospects have been the only moves the front office has made this offseason. As we head into year 23, very few of us are happy with the product that gets trotted out on the field year after year. We need to start being honest with ourselves about the 2007 World Series run being a fluke. Did they make it to the ship? Yeah. Can’t take that from them, but they weren’t the best team in the National League that season. A better representation of the team the Montfort’s and Dan O’Dowd should have built on was from the 2009 season. In 09’ they were more complete with Jim Tracy making what seemed like the right move in every single game. It was truly a shame that they didn’t build from that season, when they  were one more left handed bat and a solid number 3 starter away from being in the World Series again, with a real chance to win it. I’m rambling, let me digress….

We have officially been removed from the demonstrative O’Dowd era for just over a year, and I’m digging what the new guy, Jeff Bridich has done and is doing. I’ll admit, I haven’t rocked a CR hat on my head since the trade of Tulo. Not for trading the face of the franchise, but because I didn’t like the deal involving Jose Reyes. But now that it has gotten past the gestation stage with me, I can see the logic. It’s a short long term solution to a rebuild that could take 3-5 years. This plan could be a little derailed due to Reyes’s recent Domestic Violence. Depending on how it shakes out with the league office, the suspension could end up in the Rockies just cutting Reyes and eating the $33 Million owed. This would move Bridich’s plan forward a bit quicker than anticipated, advancing both Trevor Storey and Brendan Rodgers up the ranks in the minors. Both are slotted for the shortstop position, Rodgers is the number one prospect in the organization, but was just drafted this year and is likely 3 years out from everyday work. Storey is more game ready now despite some inconsistency on both defense and offense. There are some solid options still available on the market that could platoon with Storey, such as Alexei Ramirez, Everth Cabrera, and a familiar face, Clint Barmes.

Reports also surfaced with news that the Rockies were listening to offers for Corey Dickerson, Charlie Blackmon, and the beloved CarGo. I’ve listened to and read fans getting angry and criticizing the owners about listening to said offers. In the word of Aaron Rodgers, relax. Can Bridich at least get a few years into his vision for the franchise before we call it a failure? He has already proven that he is willing to push the owners into decisions they don’t want to make (Tulo trade). A complete rebuild of culture and talent on all levels takes a lot more than a year. All three of those outfielders can bring in a good haul of talent that can be ready to take the field in 2-3 years. Heck, if we can get a decent prospect back for De La Rosa, let's make that deal as well.. Rebuilds like this can be agonizing and painful for a fan base to sit through, but just take a look where the Astros, Royals, and Cubs are now. They all went through a major change and stuck true to their plans, now they are seeing the rewards. So yeah, from the outside looking in, it looks like much of the same, but there is a plan at work. We are a small market team that I believe can make some noise in year 4 if Jeff Bridich follows suit of the Astros, Royals and Cubs which it looks like he is trying to do. So I leave you with this quote…

“Hey, chill out man, it’s a slow build…it’s a slow build, relax.” – Hannibal Burress